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57 Responses
  1. Beth Lynn Erlandson

    Dear Michael, I remember it was actually kinda of funny but I was watching a Western movie with my dad with Audie Murphy and you were in it I didn’t know your name , then that evening my mom and I were watching a Perry Manson episode and you were on it ( all fancy nice looking guy I think you we’re a witness but I thought it was funny I saw you 2 time’s in one day and played such different characters.

  2. June Robertson

    We didn’t get a TV in UK until the end of 1958 (2 channels and very few shows) so I would say the first thing I saw you in was Kid Galahad and then everything else folllowed.

  3. James E. Bishop III

    Winterhawk when I was in 3rd grade. They showed it to help us understand Native American culture. Loved it then and always have. I think I told you that when we had our conversation on the phone which was absolutely wonderful!

  4. Cindy Jean

    I first saw your work when I went to see Willard in the theater. I fell in love with your work when I saw Winterhawk in the movie theater in December of 1975. Ever since then Winterhawk has been my most favorite movie ever and it always will be.

  5. Dominic Francia

    I’d have to say the first thing I saw as a youngster was Friday’s Child, your Star Trek episode.
    I was probably about 10 years old.

  6. David Brewer

    As a kid (born in 1965) I spent a lot of Saturdays watching westerns like Cheyenne, Rawhide, Bonanza, etc., so I know I saw you a lot in early 70’s shows/reruns.

  7. Stephen Matusek

    It’s very possible I saw your work early when I was a kid and probably forgot a lot of them but I mostly see you in westerns Michael because I love watching westerns. That doesn’t mean I didn’t see you in anything else though.

  8. Kerby Pugh

    I was a young boy, living in my home State of Oklahoma. I noticed that you acted in a variety of roles. Westerns, as well as modern day roles. I especially enjoyed your role in Kid Galahad, with Elvis.

  9. Paul Pattison

    Early 70s Michael. Definitely Star Trek and Get Smart in reruns. I’m sure that I’ve seen you in westerns (Rawhide is my favorite) but I don’t have any recollections unfortunately.

  10. Elizabeth Carleton

    6 years old. I remember Custer, and westerns on UHF stations. A local theatre ran movie marathons of classics and genres of films. I was able to see Apache Rifles and Arizona Raiders on the big screen! I lost count of the times I saw Winterhawk in the cinema in Boston whilst I was going to college.

  11. Cathy Randazzo

    The first time I noticed you was in Custer when I was 8. My favorite roles are in Custer, Daniel Boone, Winterhawk, & Seven Thieves.

  12. Kevin Sillito

    I believe it was when I first saw Winterhawk.
    Then because my late wife and I watched ME TV and other old reruns on local TV we saw you in shows like Perry Mason.
    After cancer took her in 2015 I continued watching the old reruns on cable.
    I started joining groups about Westerns.
    I saw those movies you made with Audie Murphy, and when I got to talk with you and Mrs. Dante in person that was fabulous.

  13. John Bourdage

    Born in ’54, I probably started watching tv in the late 50s. So it had to be about that time when watching one of your movies air on tv or one of your tv appearances.

  14. Ada Wood

    I first saw you in Bonanza I believe when I was in my very young youth on tv..and then Perry mason and oters were dreamy ..I wish you could have been a model for Speigel catalog as Robert Horton was

  15. Donna Perry Stewart

    Love Michael and Mary Jane Dante! The first time I met them was in 2011 at the Memphis Film Festival. I had seen Winterhawk in the spring of 2011. I had never seen it before and wondered about the actor playing the lead character, as he was a good looking guy! So I did some digging and come to find out, it was Michael and he was going to be at the Memphis Film Festival in June, 2011. He is such a nice guy. He did not disappoint. And we are huge Elvis fans and loved Michael in Kid Galahad. The Dante’s are wonderful people! We have been in touch ever since. Thanks for the joy you have brought to so many over the years!

  16. Virginia Hudson

    I, too, am an admirer of Michael Dante’s talent and have enjoyed his film and tv performances over the years. I just finished watching “Friday’s Child” of Star Trek on the Heroes and Icons Channel, which is aptly named. His Maab character is probably my favorite of his many roles. I hope Michael and his wife Mary Jane live longer and prosper more.

  17. Marsha A. Ellis-Smith

    I love Michael Dante!!! He and his wife are so gracious to all his fans! And I love to watch his shows. He is a great actor. And is truly a man of integrity. Thank you, Michael and Mary Jane!!!❤️❤️❤️

  18. Jan Balog Spahn

    Michael is just one awesome man & actor. Had the pleasure of phone chatting with him some time ago which I so treasured! The fact that we’re from the same hometown is even more special! You rock Michael

  19. Kevin Sillito

    You told me that you never wanted to be typecast.
    I believe that with wide variety of films and TV roles you accomplished that goal.
    Keep on keeping on.
    I love your posts and all your stories.

  20. Francois Kupo

    Michael Dante brought gravitas to his role in the classic Star Trek episode “Friday’s Child” – the character “Maab” was stoic, his words measured, and Michael’s performance made you believe the character was a true leader as you listened to every word. It’s no wonder the episode remains one of Star Trek’s best, and we continue to watch it some 57 years later. Michael made his mark on the show, and we are all the more fortunate for it.

    Of course Star Trek was not the apex of Michael’s long and storied career; we were just lucky that he stopped by and shared his amazing talent for that short hour back in 1967. I will rent/stream/buy the motion pictures “Winterhawk” and “Kid Gallahad,” to name but a few, to start my own personal journey to experience Michael’s talents outside of my little Star Trek cocoon; I’ve seen but a taste of his vast career on his Facebook account, for example, where he tries to stump fans with photographs of him in character and asking, “What film is this from?” Treat yourself to not only his work but his Facebook account as well, and join the fun!

    I met Michael and Mary Jane back in 2017 in Ticonderoga in upper New York State when I was coordinating event guests at the annual Trekonderoga event at Star Trek Original Series Set Tour. They were both very generous with their time to not only us organizers but to the fans as well – it was a pleasure to meet them both and I hope you get the chance to as well some day!

    Michael and Mary Jane, I look forward to meeting you both again, and wish you all the best!!

  21. Jan Glass

    I love the way your website is set up, Michael…. FANtastic! Thank you for all the memories you’ve given us fans. You are a very accomplished actor!

  22. James E. Bishop III

    Michael is a wonderful person and a great actor. Tireless devotion to his fans and I even had the pleasure of a long phone conversation with him and Mary Jane along with my mother who is also a huge fan! God Bless and thank you for all you have done and will continue to do!

  23. Paul Pattison

    I have enjoyed watching Michael Dante over the years. His performances are very well done. I loved him as Maab in the Star Trek TOS episode “Friday’s Child.” And his great comedic performance as the double-glove wearing Rex Savage was hilarious.

    I then was fortunate enough to meet Mr Dante and his lovely wife Mary Jane at Star Trek Las Vegas 57. He was so much fun to talk with. He shared many stories and all of his different books that he had written. What a talented gentleman with a career that spans so many years.

  24. Ruth Dahlstrom

    Michael, I’ve enjoyed reading your books and loved seeing Winterhawk on TCM very recently.
    Let us know when you will be making appearances!

  25. Tony De Angelo

    For many years, Michael has been a wonderful friend, mentor, show guest, professional colleague, and role model. Not to mention a terrific performer. It has been beyond a pleasure to know him.

  26. Hi Michael! I met you 2011 in Burbank at a Bonanza gathering. I enjoyed interacting with you and your wife Mary Jane and have continued to share Christmas cards with you since. I enjoy your work and love when I happen across you by accident in one of your numerous guest appearances while watching classic television. Thank you for all you do as an actor, a human, and an American. God Bless you.

  27. I enjoy following Michael on FB. I’ve never met him personally, but feel like I know him from his posts. I enjoy his movies, especially Arizona Raiders and Winterhawk. He is still very involved in Western meet and greet with his fans. Thank you Mr Dante !

  28. Donna Stewart

    I’ve met Michael and Mary Jane a couple of times. And for those of you wondering if he’s really as nice as he seems on his pages, the answer is a resounding YES! Michael is a wonderful actor and friend. And he knows how much I love Winterhawk!

  29. Kevin Sillito

    I became aware of Mr Dante’s website at first when I heard about the book’s he has written.
    I ordered them and loved them especially the autobiography.
    I was lucky to be chosen in one of the raffles and had a fun conversation with him and his wife Mary Jane.
    Wonderful conversation about his friend Audie Murphy, the movie he made with Elvis, how he was offered the role of Manolito in High Chaparral which he turned down to avoid being type cast.
    Then we discussed our mutual love of baseball.
    It is hard to not see him on the retro networks in various parts in TV series and movies and yes he did avoid being typecast.
    I admire him and am impressed he is still so active and vital at age 91.

  30. I have not met Michael in person ,however;I have spoken to him on the phone..I enjoyed that so much and from then on we have become friends ..Thru his fan club ,I had the priviledge of designing and making him a quilt and then pillow shams to match for him and Mary Jane to enjoy and Lucky too..
    I have always watched as I was growing up in westerns and other tv shows and movies ,If he would have been a model for the Speigal Catalog as was Robert Horton,I would have used him in making my paper dolls!!
    Handsome and nice there is no other way to say it!!
    only became a fan member so I could tell my Mother-in-law about her actors that were on her western shows
    Great Guy!!!

  31. Ralph Patrono

    Michael Dante’s Acting is Awesome. I’ve seen Michael in many movies and the characters he plays really makes the Movie or TV episode worth watching. The one thing I learned over the years, is that, if Michael is in the movie it will be a good movie to watch.
    Michael’s contributions in westerns and keeping the “Old West” alive are Legendary.
    I had the please to meet and talk to Michael awhile back and he is not only a great actor, but a genuinely great person as well.

  32. Jim Shumard

    Michael has a wonderful website. His fan group is a lot of fun. He is a multi-talented person. Actor, book writer, radio interviewer and a great person. I’m looking forward to seeing one of his westerns today with Randolph Scott.

  33. Mary Jane Dante

    Michael, you are a wonderful actor. We have enjoyed all your films, TV shows, books and radio show interviews. You are a man of many talents that you have shared with us over the years. Thank you so much! Your loving wife, Mary Jane

  34. Vrinda

    I just saw Michael on an episode of Hawaiian Eye called “Go Steady With Danger ” where he played a gigolo. Great performance, but I hated the character.

  35. Alan Rockman

    I have known Michael Dante for almost 15 years, the last 10 as a Friend as well as a fan, and I can truly attest he is the REAL DEAL!

    One of the very last survivors of “Hollywood’s Golden Age”, Michael is a very multi-faceted, fine actor who has played so many varied roles, whether it be the great “Winterhawk”, the notorious outlaw Brady alongside his late Friend Audie Murphy in “Arizona Raiders”, sparring with Elvis in “Kid Galahad”, portraying the Oglala Sioux Chieftain Crazy Horse in the “Custer” TV series, and his first major role, that of a one-armed Union Army veteran assisting Randolph Scott as a Station Master in “Westbound” and TV series so many to mention here.

    A VERY fine actor, a baseball player, a radio-show host, a patriot who truly loves this country, and an excellent writer, Michael has done it all.

    But perhaps more importantly Michael Dante is a MENSCH (his wonderful wife Mary Jane is a menschette). He embraces his fans and friends always, making time to talk with them and be with them, not just a celebrity but as a Friend. I have seen him many times surrounded by fans and friends and talking, staying with them until the last person left, and boy, I have never met a celeb so devoted, and so open, whether it be in person at a Festival or on Facebook to fans and friends.

    And I personally know what a FRIEND he and Mary Jane have been to me and my Mother. Michael is indeed a MENSCH, and I am very pleased to write this.

    “Fortune Favors the Brave”…

  36. Linda Biersack

    You are amazing to take time to bring all of you acting career memories to life by adding so many of your achievements on social media so we all can share in the movies, the TV’S you were in and your relationships with so many famous actors & actresses! Your life is so unique and special .. thank you for sharing!!!

  37. Jeannie

    Michael you are a legend, never as a child would I have ever thought that you and your wife will become personal friends of mine, I hold the utmost respect for you, as a child watching you in special guest appearances on TV series would sometimes keep me at the edge of my feet especially when you were playing a villain, you play those roles very well actually you play all your role very well, after all you didn’t even come on award-winning actor for nothing it takes Talent to achieve that, and you boss have achieved it with honest you rock Michael I love you and Mary Jane very much, thank goodness for the Gunsmoke event in which you were our special guest star , and that is when our friendship evolved, remember lol I was your instant bodyguard LOL
    Michael you and Mary Jane are the sweetest kindest individuals I have the pleasure of knowing and calling my friend, you are a legend now forever and always

  38. Cyndi Romeo

    Yes, I agree with your comments completely period I had the honor of meeting via phone conversation Michael and Mary Jane couple years ago when I won the contest period it’s always nice to talk to a fellow Italian period he succeeded in many areas of his professional life, his personal life is very successful as will I wish. I live closer to them. I’d like to be their friend and person. But nevertheless, it’s wonderful, too. Have this memories and I advise everyone and recommend highly his books. They’re very good I have all of them.

  39. Denise Mason

    Michael Dante is an extremely creative, self driven and determined actor. He’s also a caring gentleman who loves his wife dearly.
    He also loves Jesus.
    Unless you’ve read his book Michael Dante way you wouldn’t know much about his childhood. It’s awesome. Check it out and see how he taught himself to swim.
    There’s so much history stored in this man’s memory bank. Cash in on it
    Had the honor of meeting Michael and his wife Jane. Dear Kodak memory
    Denise Mason

  40. I always enjoy watching your talent in your many movies. Such a variety of your charactors you’ve played. I especially love the westerns you’ve done. I always enjoy talking with you and your wife Mary Jane when your at venues with your info on the movies and your charactors, and the books you’ve written, especially your autobiography. You are very down to earth and easy to talk with.

    Sue W

  41. Raquel Díaz Rámila

    I agree with Rita. Michael is a wonderful actor.
    Thank you for a lot of great moments.

  42. Rita Medaglia

    Michael Dante is a wonderful actor in so many roles. He definitely cannot be typecast! His award winning autobiography, Michael Dante from Hollywood to Michael Dante Way provides information not just about his personal life, but also about so many of his roles. It is a must read for all his fans.
    How many celebrities such as Michael Dante are good actors, interesting authors, speakers and interviewers. His radio shows which are now being shared are fascinating looks into the lives of well known celebrities and shouldn’t be missed.
    In addition to all of the above, is so good to his fans.
    Finally, once on his Facebook page he apologized for not submitting anything for a while because he had been so busy. When I read this all I could think was that I hoped if I made it to 91 I could say I was too busy to be involved in something!

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